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Registers are closed at a certain time each morning. If a pupil turns up after their registers have been closed without a valid reason, they will be marked as an unauthorised lateness. This mark will impact on the pupils' overall attendance record.

Please note that if a pupil does arrive after registers have closed at 9.10am then their mark will be classed as late. Under the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 late absences can be provided as evidence against you if legal action were to be considered by the Local Authority under Section 444 of the Education Act 1996.

It has been proved by National Statistics that having poor time keeping can seriously affect a child’s chance of achieving their full potential. When arriving late, your child could be missing out on important instructions for the day ahead, which could result in feelings of isolation and disengagement from their learning.

The Importance of being a Punctual Pupil

  • Being punctual builds a more self-confident person
  • Being punctual helps to build discipline from a young age
  • Being punctual builds successful pupils
  • Being punctual builds mutual respect
  • Being punctual builds strength of character
  • Being punctual shows, you will be a dependable employee
Minutes Late Learning Days Lost
5 minutes each day 3 days per year
10 minutes each day 6.5 days per year
15 minutes each day 10 days per year
20 minutes each day 13 days per year
30 minutes each day 19 days per year